2022-06-06 by Kenji Rikitake
When I tried to add this blog to Feedly, it asked me to enter the RSS Feed URL. Automatically generating the RSS feed required a paid subscription of Feedly. So I decided to write some code of generating the RSS Feed by myself. I had to write some snippets of Elixir code for Lambdapad, and it worked OK in the end. It's another good way to learn Elixir!
Here's some excerpts from lambdapad.exs
config do
set transform: fn(config) ->
currentdatetime =
DateTime.utc_now() |>
Map.replace(:microsecond, {0, 0}) |>
Map.put(config, "builddatetime", currentdatetime)
|> Map.put("site_root", config["blog"]["url"])
pages "rss" do
set from: :posts
set template: "rss.xml"
set uri: "/rss.xml"
set index: true
set var_name: "posts"
set uri_type: :file
set priority: :low
And here's the template of rss.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>{{ blog.title }}</title>
<description>{{ blog.description }}</description>
<link>{{ site_root }}index.html</link>
<lastBuildDate>{{ builddatetime }}</lastBuildDate>
{% for post in posts %}
<title>{{ post.title }}</title>
<description>{{ post.summary }}</description>
<link>{{ site_root }}posts/{{post.id}}</link>
<guid>{{ site_root }}posts/{{post.id}}</guid>
<pubDate>{{ post.date }}</pubDate>
{% endfor %}
These snippets are applicable for the Lambdapad blog example.